Members of this gathering, my hearty salutations to you.

What has happened to us the Indians? Calling our own motherland dirty? Shame on those who say so! The narrow outlook and vision that they have does not let them look beyond their own houses and neighborhood. In all probability their minds have been converted to such pessimistic and materialistic thinking after watching those dreamland movies highlighting the ugliness of India . Even Indian writers, when they write on Indian themes, they present the dirty market scenes of India in the gory details in order to qualify for some prize or the other.

Is this what our forefathers wanted to hear? Men who shed sweat and blood for a free India so that her children may live in prosperity and freedom. You have got prosperity, you have got freedom, but you have mistaken it for personal liberty. So you throw the filth around and blame others assuming that you are the most hygienic person in this galaxy. Shame on us. Why can't we see the real India ?

Even Max Mueller, way back in the 1900's said that India of the villages is the true India , which can teach us a lot.

Yes my dear friends, just look beyond your street, which if dirty, is just because of your garbage, which you have not dropped in the bin. Look beyond and you'll find vast green plains under the clear blue sky with the gleam of the sun. Look at the serene valleys with a river in between and the shepherd driving his goats back home in the evening. Where on earth would you find such bliss which even the gods envy? And you call it dirty?

Urban creatures call rural living unhygienic on the assumption that they still use the fields for toilets forgetting that the Indian villages are making optimum use of available resources and they have even made dung and human waste a productive source of bio-gas energy instead of dumping it into the ruins like the urbanites which ultimately ends up in our stomach in the name of packaged drinking water.

Do you call living in houses of brick and marble build across the concrete roads as cleanliness? Then our grandfathers who lived in simple mud houses built across a brook or a field that did not have even an atom of marble, might be termed as living in dirt. My friends, we forget that they were healthier than us, stronger than us and happier than us.

I expect and hope that the Indians should stop degrading themselves. And if you really find your place dirty, and then clean it, instead of waiting for others to do so. And for heaven's sake, please don't call India dirty ever again.

Thank you

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