Human population is growing at an unprecedented rate .The increase in population has serious repercussions on the atmosphere. Already there is a shortage of natural resources and the increase in population, at the anticipated rate has created a chaotic condition. No doubt “Our Country India looks Dirty”. India is a fast developing country. It is developing in the field of science and technology. Besides all these development, India is very backward and dirty too. Every city in India is unclean and heavily polluted. Certain metropolitan cities in India like Bangalore , Nagpur , Delhi etc. are less dirty. Otherwise every other city is very dirty.
All this dirtiness is caused by man. Today people dump plastic bags, wrappers, vegetable peels, containers, cans, almost anything on the road-side due to sheer insensitivity to the aesthetics of the surroundings. Out of them, some get decomposed and some do not. Those that do not decompose are burnt, they release many harmful gases and fumes. Animal waste is also secreted on the road which makes the road looks dirty and also gives out a foul smell.
In many cities of India , light foamed plastics and aluminum are used for packaging instead of traditional cardboard boxes. This results in great masses of light weight rubbish, which causes the dustbins to overflow and blow about in the wind causing massive littering on streets. We need to develop a proper garbage system. We, in India , still throw all our garbage mixed together, which creates a lot of problem. What needs to be done is, the common people should be educated to separate the kitchen waste from the glass, the plastics, and metals, so that manual segregation of solid waste is not required. Once it is separate, the metals, the plastic, the paper can go in for recycling and kitchen waste may be used for vermiculture and thus put to an advantageous use.This, in my view, will help the municipal authorities to speed up their endeavour to keep the cities clean. The rotting kitchen waste gets trapped in the variety of garbage and the municipal dumps are themselves a breeding ground for diseases, mosquitoes, rats, etc. It is estimated that about twenty five diseases are associated with solid wastes.
In our country, we can see parks and monuments too littered with waste, by people who visit them. Although the garbage is taken up by authorities to various landfill sites, huge areas of lands are taken up. Very often small valleys potentially useful for farmlands are swallowed up by it.
Treatment plants for recycling biodegradable material and non–biodegradable materials should come into use. Our main problem in India is that the system is not possible due to the high cost of installation of grinders and laying of pipes. But however what we should understand that by recycling we can utilize the wastes as raw material in the manufacture of new product. The earning from the recycling can be pumped back to further set up refuse processing plants.
We need to see that we develop a system to manage the ever-growing garbage dumps.
Once this is achieved our country will wear a clean look.
Thank you