Image Gallery - Pollution in Ganga
Toxic Sludge disposed off in unsafe ways Heaps of Animal Carcasses lying in the river Drains flowing into Ganga

Dead Body in Ganga Unfulfilled Promise of Ganga Action Plan: Drains flowing into Ganga Toxic Sewage Irrigation Water being supplied to the villages of Jajmau

Sisamau drain lets out 120 million litres per day of raw sewage into Ganga Mindless ways of Worship Skin Diseases Afflicting Children, women and men in Jajmau due to hazarous sewage irrigation water
Skin Diseases Afflicting Children, women and men in Jajmau due to hazarous sewage irrigation water Skin Diseases Afflicting Children, women and men in Jajmau due to hazarous sewage irrigation water Garbage dumps in Ganga Banks Dhobhi Ghats on Ganga banks

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