ECOFEST - 2003
St. Aloysius School and Eco-friends
(August 30th, 2003 to September 15th, 2003)

During a fortnight long Ecofest, a series of eco-awareness activities are planned at St. Aloysius School. The main objective is to sensitize the young minds on environment and pollution related issues and get the students actively involved in environment conservation efforts.

Details of the Ecofest are as follows:

August 28, 2003

Meet the Press

August 30, 2003

Orientation cum Workshop for Teachers by experts
Eco Slogan Contest for Teachers
Vermi- Composting Pit Inspection

September 6, 2003

Multimedia Presentation for Teachers and Students by scientists / experts/ activists

September 9, 2003

Eco Contests for Students

Class 1 to 3 Sketching and Crayon Painting
Class 4 to 7 Mono Act / Skit / Pantomime
Class 8 to 12 Poster Making / Cottage / Model Making

September 10, 2003

Preparation of eco-friendly bags by 1, 400 students

September 12, 2003

Kerbside anti-polybags awareness Rally by Students

Participants: Class 6 to 12 students with banners, placards, eco friendly bags with anti polybags messages.

September 15, 2003

Symposium & Inauguration of vermi-composting pit


Father A Francis James, Principal, St Aloysius and Rakesh K Jaiswal, Eco Friends
addressing the media people



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